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HeartLifeMull Over Mondays

Mull Over Mondays [On Tuesday] – Learning to Say NO

Mull Over Mondays

So I missed the last two Mondays and I haven’t posted in a while. …No worries! Just priorities.

I’ve already blogged about my priorities and they haven’t changed. In the last two weeks…

To be honest, I'd rather be with my HOT Bride!!!

  • My senior Pastor was away on vacation
  • I taught a baptismal class
  • I preached in our Sunday morning Service
  • Priscilla and I celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary
  • Went off to Create Conference for a few days
  • After 4 years with a first gen iPhone, I finally upgraded to a brand new iPhone 5
  • Just kidding, it’s an iPhone 4 😉

You might be thinking “what about us!” Well, rest assured, you are important and I love our drumming community. However, at the same time, I need to be a good steward in all things and in all areas of my life.

Learning To Say NO

I’m learning to protect my family time. This means that I an also learning to say NO. Being a pastor on staff, I already spend my days in the church office, but I can easily be in church every night too, if I wanted. In fact, it’s really easy to be in church every day and night. The hard part is learning to say NO!

If you can learn one thing from me, learn that you can’t always be a YES person. Maybe you can do it for a while, but eventually you’ll crash and burn. Get your priorities in order first and then you’ll know when to say NO.

As a drummer, this can mean that you are asked to fill in for the drummer who didn’t show up; or to volunteer on the media team because they are short-handed. Sure you want to serve and “be a blessing”, but you might risk being a curse to your family by doing so. Realize that you can’t be everywhere at once, and you can’t do everything either. Speaking the truth in love will surely help people understand when you politely decline.

It’s never easy saying NO, but you have to learn to say it.

Hope you still love me! 😉

Do you have a problem saying YES? How do you plan to change that?

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  • Luke says:

    i do…!

    I’m slowly learning how to say “no”, because – like you say – if you say ‘yes’ to EVERYthing… suddenly you’re spread too thin, and unable to be fully effective in ANYthing!!

    and family is important!

    here are priorities in MY life… and how should they be listed?
    i’ll list how i think they SHOULD be…!

    unfortunately, sometimes that list is exactly upside down.

    thanks for the “mull over” PJ!
    in love,

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