Hillsong Conference 2015 ran from June 29 – July 3. We teamed up with Ted, who was a part of the Creative Backline for the conference, to bring you exclusive behind the scenes pics and commentary from the conference. Read on for Ted’s closing thoughts on what God was up to at Hillsong Conference 2015…

20,000 voice choir singing loudly to King Jesus!
Rhythm makers & World changers,
Thank you for following the Journey of this year’s Hillsong Conference! God truly spoke this week. He spoke mercy, healing, favor, blessing, redemption, salvation, love, peace, compassion, and empowerment to thousands. We are truly living in amazing times! I want to personally thank those of you who are never thanked for your sacrifice and service to God’s Kingdom. He has more for us than we often realize!
I believe the drums are a new frontier for God to begin speaking through in these next seasons of life. We will bring prophecy, influence, and lead like never before! Let’s keep our hearts pure, and our minds fixed on the one who made us to play. Keep dreaming big! I BELIEVE we all have a HUGE part to play in the coming days of The Church. As Judah Smith stated this week: “Wouldn’t it be just like God to ask you to do something that you couldn’t do without Him?” Let’s keep praying that prayer: that God would see us as ready soldiers for His will and desires.
[tweet_box design=”default”]”Wouldn’t it be just like God to ask you to do something that you couldn’t do without Him?” – Judah Smith[/tweet_box]
Be blessed!
Thank you so much for the encouragement and insight! It is much appreciated and needed!