I’ve been spending the last couple of days thawing out after a major ice storm literally put a freeze to our week. We’ve spent time as a family without power, little heat, but lots of love. This little pause during the chaos has helped me to adjust my focus, reassess what’s important, and to make time for what matters most.
Before I start dreaming of all the great things that 2014 will have for this blog, I am encouraging you to join me in pressing pause on all the busyness. Let’s thank God for Jesus. Let’s remember the rich heritage that we have in the Faith. Let’s remember that who we are is more important than what we do!
Lastly, my prayer is that you rejoice and celebrate, for the Lord is come!
We do have some incredible things that are shaping up for 2014 but until then, Merry Christmas! I love each and every one of you! Peace