If you made it to this page it is likely because you were given the link by a fellow drummer or because we had a recent conversation.
The WorshipDrummer Journal, in it’s basic form, is a series of media-rich blog posts written by you, the worship drummer, to give fellow drummers helpful and unique insight into your world as a drummer. We’ve narrowed the playing field down to 3 specific categories: Tours, Conferences/Live Recording, and Church Services.
Here is a general idea of what we are looking for.
For tours we’re looking to have you cover 3-4 consecutive days of journal entries. You can submit one post at the end of the day with “time-stamps” (i.e. 4PM – band was sound checking, drums needed some tweaking and here’s a pic… . 5PM is dinner, etc.) or it can be a more detailed recap of the day in paragraph style.
Here’s a general idea of what we’re looking for:
- Intro. Introduce yourself (name, who you play for, where you are. Include a picture or video of you)
- A behind the scenes perspective. Let us live vicariously through your experience during the tour.
- Gear run downs, complete with pics and descriptions. (show us how everything packs up too)
- Share tips and tricks for the road. These can be practical to drumming or life on the road.
- Band/crowd selfies are always welcome
- SundaySeat-style pics of your kit in venue
- Spiritual highlights of the day. Any other practical takeaways from what transpired throughout the day.
- Anything else that you might think is important and that fellow worshipdrummers would benefit from knowing.
We would ask that you submit at least one post per day while on tour.
Submit Your Journal Entry
Sound good? Click here to submit your journal entry.
Have questions for us? Or issues uploading? Send us an email.
Conference/Live Recording
Conferences are very similar to tours. The main difference is that instead of moving from one venue to another you are likely staying in one place. As well, the durations of conferences vary accordingly. You can submit one post at the end of the day with “time-stamps” (i.e. 4PM – band was sound checking, drums needed some tweaking and here’s a pic… . 5PM is dinner, etc.) or it can be a more detailed recap of the day in paragraph style.
Here’s a general idea of what we’re looking for:
- Intro. Introduce yourself (name, who you play for, where you are. Include a picture or video of you)
- A behind the scenes perspective. Let us live vicariously through your experience during the conference/recording.
- Gear run downs, complete with pics and descriptions. (show us setup/process/how everything packs up)
- Share tips and tricks for the road. These can be practical to drumming or to the conference/recording process.
- Band/crowd selfies are always welcome
- SundaySeat-style pics of your kit in venue
- Spiritual highlights of the day/session. Any other practical takeaways from what transpired throughout the day.
- Anything else that you might think is important and that fellow worshipdrummers would benefit from knowing.
We would ask that you submit at least one post per day during the conference/live recording.
Submit Your Journal Entry
Sound good? Click here to submit your journal entry.
Have questions for us? Or issues uploading? Send us an email.
Church Service
Weekend services are what most worshipdrummers share in common. However, we’ve realized that everyone’s experience is different. Like the other two above, you can submit one post at the end of the service (once you get home) with “time-stamps” (i.e. 6:30AM – call time for the band. 7AM – Sound check, etc.) or it can be a more detailed recap of the day in paragraph style.
Sound like something you want to do? Here’s a general idea of what we’re looking for:
- Intro. Introduce yourself (name, who you play for, where you are. Include a picture or video of you)
- A behind the scenes perspective. Let us live vicariously through your experience at church.
- Gear run down, complete with pics and description. (show us setup/process)
- Share any and all tips and tricks.
- Band selfies are always welcome
- SundaySeat-style pics of your kit in venue
- Spiritual highlights of the day/service. Any other practical takeaways from what transpired throughout the day.
- Anything else that you might think is important and that fellow worshipdrummers would benefit from knowing.
All we ask is for you to submit 1 post in total.
Submit Your Journal Entry
Sound good? Click here to submit your journal entry.
Have questions for us? Or issues uploading? Send us an email.