This episode is brought to you by:
Paul Whittinghill (Passion)
After having a few drummer friends insist that I connect with him, I finally did it. In episode 20 I chat with Paul Whittinghill (Passion) and we get into some topics that he is very passionate about.
In this episode we touch on playing at Passion Conferences, and their new album Whole Heart. Then Paul spends the better part of the second half of the episode dropping some definite gold-nuggets for you to grab onto. I hope that you are encouraged and inspired by our conversation.
[tweet_box design=”default”]I’m 21, I have no cred. I was like a name on a page, and they asked me to play. It’s the faithfulness of God, it cannot be denied – Paul Whittinghill.[/tweet_box]Listen to Episode 019 or on iTunes or Spotify
In this Episode
- The early years and first drum kit
- 6-piece suit band / Christy Nockels / Brett Younker
- Serving on The Worship Team Passion City Church
- New Wave of Passion Starts (2013)
- Biggest mistake(s) you’ve ever made
- Innovative ideas vs setting trends
- Passion Conference Gear Rundown (see below)
- Preparing for Passion Conference AND live recording
- Favourite songs from new album, Whole Heart
- Becoming a “song” drummer
- Storytelling from the kit and finding your voice around the kit
- Leading from the drum kit – having a humble confidence
- Main drumming influences
- how do you keep the heart before beat on the daily?
Mentioned in this Episode
SOAP Groups (Bible Reading Plan):
O– observation
A– application
P– prayer
- Start a text thread with 4 friends or so
- decide on a book of the Bible to go through
- read one chapter a day
- find one verse that stuck out to you, write a brief observation, how does it apply to your life?, possibly a short prayer
- weekdays only
Quotes From This Episode
“I legitimately did not do anything to be in this role. That’s why I have no option but to be humble about it.”
“[When on stage] You don’t just see faces anymore. You’re looking at people who really matter to God.”
“I’m 21, I have no cred. I was like a name on a page, and they asked me to play. It’s the faithfulness of God, it cannot be denied; It’s a testament to God’s hand in the whole thing.”
“To anybody feels like they need to come up with an awesome resume, or network their way, or instagram their way to the top – the pressure’s off! You kill it, work hard, and let God put his hand on you.”
[tweet_box design=”default”]God can do in a second what we can never do in a lifetime![/tweet_box]
“Care more about the song, than just your drum parts”
“There’s something really powerful to me about a drummer who really knows who he/she is, and who plays with authority (a humble confidence).”
“This gift is a legitimate gift from God. He just dropped me in this spot.”
Follow Him Social
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Gear Run Down (More Pics Below)
- C&C Kit with Ebony Oyster wrap
- 22×14 13×9 16×16
- Snare: Black beauty 6.5×14
Heartbeat Cymbals
- 24” Epic RIde
- 20” Custom Crash
- 22” custom crash
- Hats: 17” Light crash // raw hat
- Ableton
- Looptimus (midi controller)
Pics and Videos