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Playing To The Room

Hey guys, I’m currently in Muskoka, ON playing drums all weekend at a youth conference with Transform Canada. I wanted to write a better post but time is limited so I decided to create a quick video instead.

[tentblogger-youtube Y_zaq_emp2Y]

Here’s a glimpse of the room we’re playing in:

To sum up the three main points in the video…

  • Listen to the acoustics in the room
  • Look at the people in the room
  • Adapt your playing to the room

How are the churches/venues that you play in? How do you have to adjust your playing?

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  • Just another word to go with that, as a worship leader, proffessional muciain and sound technician, it would be wise as well, not to just play lower in terms of sound level, but simpler. If you have a room that is extremely live, the drums as you said, will bounce around quite a bit. Playing simpler will give the reflected sound a little more chance to decay before another drum sound starts. So don’t crowd the song with a million tom fills and rippin double bass hits. Keep it simple and the song won’t be so cluttered sonically.

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