For some of you, Elevation Worship is far from new. For others, this may be your first time hearing the bold lyrics, soaring melodies, huge guitars, creative synth and key lines, tight bass sounds and of course, the hard hitting, nearly arena rock, drum sounds that Elevation Worship achieves time and time again.
In either scenario, you’re in luck if you play any one of the above instruments because not too long ago, they made learning the pre-released songs from their upcoming album “Only King Forever” even easier with the “Free Resources” section on Here at WorshipDrummer we’ve also added a note-for-note PDF of Dominic Geralds’ playing on the “Last Word” tutorial so you can catch every nuance from little accents in the verse to every big shot he’s slamming toward the end of the track. All drums on the latest album were recorded by Luke Anderson and percussion recorded by Dominic Geralds.
Download “LAST WORD” Drum Transcription
Elevation Worship has been hard at work on their 6th release which is available today, January 14th, 2014 (All previous releases feature Lyrics, Chords, Loops and Video Tuts you can learn from as well). Having been invited to fly down to Charlotte in North Carolina, I watched the rehearsal and filming of the live recording, soaking in every minute of stage time and behind the scenes chatter.

Greater than the lights, big screens, beautiful venue, or the amazing chops of the musicians is the heart that comes before the beat. Spending time around the numerous (and I mean seriously numerous) amounts of people that break their backs so you can sing, raise your hands and tap along, I quickly realized the heart and vision each person in this crew possesses. Everyone gives all they have as an offering and allows Christ to freely move through them. This album is simply a by-product of that freedom and sacrifice.
The more you learn about what Elevation Church is doing, the more powerful their war cry of an album becomes. and the more gripped you will be by every worshiper’s performance on “Only King Forever (including those standing with arms open wide in front of the stage).
As a drummer, my biggest take away from these songs is finding creativity in the simplicity. Don’t be fooled by how awesome the playing sounds, it really is being played simply but with an authority and intentionality. Start to look at your own playing and see how you can simplify it or engage more in worship as your on stage. Remember first the One you’re playing for. If you have any questions, technical or otherwise, we’ll be happy to help you in the learning process!
Purchase Elevation’s new album, Only King Forever and let us know what you think!
Drum Tutorial Videos
Hi guy, Peace in Christ !!!
I from Brazil, and your work in Elevation Worship is fantastic !
I have one question: which drum you use? all the configurations, your sound is amazing.
Sorry for some wrong word, my english is so bad :/
Thanks, Bye 🙂