Hey everyone!
Influencers Youth Conference has finished & it was incredible! God moved so powerfully & kids’ responding with everything!
I just want to share a few of the highlights with you all!

During the Praise Party!

More Praise Party!

Our Youth Pastor had some fun messing with synths during the Praise Party
It was awesome having fellow Worship Drummer, Andy Harrison speaking at Youth Conference. Let me tell you, his preaching is just as good as his drumming!
God spoke into so many kids’ lives at conference & everyone caught hold of what God was doing!
There was lots of crowd surfing on inflatable mattresses & kids experiencing God & getting baptised in the Holy Spirit & giving their lives to Jesus!
Church camp starts on Friday with Ps Mike Maiden, who has an incredible & super accurate gift of the prophetic, so we’re pumped & expectant for God to move like nothing we’ve seen before!
– Jared Batson